Today I was going to launch my blog. I haven’t added to the blog in months but I am tired of waiting. This winter I worked on it a lot and then the summer happened. I started working my full-time summer Park Ranger job while also going to school. It has been a busy couple of months. It seems unlikely that life will get less busy, maybe in October. 

I have been listening to a podcast, a life coach podcast and it has become evident to me that I might not be doing things because I am scared. All of my dreams and ambitions just keep getting pushed aside or abandoned for various reasons;

How do I figure out how to accomplish them.

There isn’t enough money.

Where will I find the time?

It is not right yet. 


Those are just some of the reasons I am not doing the things I “think” will make me happy. I haven’t launched this blog because I don’t know what I am doing. It might not be right. When I read what other bloggers have written it seems that several say not to launch until it’s ready but I just think that if I waited for that it will never be launched. 

In reality how many people are even going to read my blog at the beginning. It feels like if I launch it, it will be easier to see what works and what does not! It will also mean it is real. What I am writing is actually being put out there in the world. How scary is that!!!!

I dream of being a stay at home mom. We don’t have kids yet but I know that I can’t afford to not work – which means I need a work from home job. My goal is to let my authentic self to shine through and to talk about things that are important to me and the planet. I want to share useful information, beautiful photos, and fun recipes. 

I want this blog to allow me to lead the life I dream of! While helping make a difference in the lives of the people who visit it. My plan was to launch today! To step out of my way, stop being scared, stop worrying that is might not be perfect or who might judge me and just do it already!

However, the system is having difficulties so it looks like it will have to wait another day!
