Black and white photo a hiking trail heading off into the distance. In the distance you can see some beautiful mountain peaks.

Coming up with a name for a blog or website is harder then you might think. Well probably most of us don’t really think about it. However, when you do go to start a website, that the whole world has access to, you start to think.

What do I want it to be called?

I don’t want it to be stupid sounding and I want it to kind of represent me or what my website is about. Then you think oh my goodness, what am I about? Why am I starting a website? Ahhhhh! That is a lot to think about and you put it off for another 6 months.

Mountains reflecting in a lake.

I picked the word hobo because it kind of represents my current life. Google defines Hobo; hōˌbō, a noun as “a homeless person; a tramp or vagrant.” However, Urban Dictionary adds that a hobo is “an itinerant worker, a career which sprang up during the depression. A hobo, unlike a bum or a tramp, is more than willing to work, but mostly for a short duration, as their main goal is travel, the love of the journey above the actual destination… a hobo merely travels from town to town, finding work when he can, but only for the sake of financing his next adventure. NEVER call a hobo a bum…they’ll kick your sorry no-bo #ss!”

So I went with Hobo, not that I plan to do any #ss kicking if you call me a bum but really why would you do such a thing.

There people admiring a large fire scare on a giant sequoia.

My husband and I are currently living the lives of the hobo traveling seasonally to different National Parks where my husband works as a Park Ranger and I find whatever job is calling my name at our new destination.

I don’t believe we are 100% hobo’s because I will say this lifestyle is hard and it is not always about the journey above the actual destination. It is defiantly more about the job that is at the destination.

Two people standing on a large rock with arms around each other looking out over a sunset.

Yet real life is about the journey, right, it isn’t always perfect, fun, or beautiful but it’s an important part of life! Without the journey what would there be? That is where beautiful comes in, beautiful hobo has such a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

So even though the life of a hobo isn’t always peaches and cream, it is important to see the beauty in the journey and in all things in life. Even when it’s -35 degrees outside with 30 miles an hour winds! I mean we have a heated apartment right! Life is great!

The sun rising over the horizon providing a beautiful back glow to some teddy bear cacti.

So there you have it, the reason I chose to name this website Beautiful Hobo. Now to figure out what Beautiful Hobo is going to be about. I suppose about my journey through life and all the things that keep me sane as I travel around with my Ranger. We will save that for another post I think.

Thanks for reading!